Our professional photographs are in! These were taken at Cape Canaveral Hospital in Cocoa Beach, FL. We worked with a skilled photographer who captured the wonders of this big milestone for our family.
Before Dahlia was born, one of our big concerns was how Silly Goose, our 8 year old cat, would take to the new family member. The first day, Goose stayed far away from all of us and isolated himself on our tiny patio. The next day, he joined us in bed but stayed awake for all our hijinks. Afterwards, he was as exhausted as we were. . Last night, he got back into his normal spot above my pillow and even gave us his normal 5:15AM “get out of bed” alarm. . We think Dahlia and Goose will be good friends!
Enjoy the photos! In the next post, we plan on discussing the importance of friends and family during this special time.