Major Milestones

The difference between a half marathon and a full marathon is THE WALL. The wall is the point of the run where your body stops burning carbohydrates and switches over to fat; this usually occurs at the 14 to 18 mile mark. For most people, this is the point where a marathon pushes them to their limits.

I finally made it past the wall this week. I hit it hard and it finally came down instead of knocking me back. Even with this success, I can’t see how I can manage 26 miles in a month. I was bleeding in places I’ve never bled before. It was brutal.

The Lost series finale was last Sunday. It was brilliant. After so many lackluster endings to my favorite shows, it was refreshing to see Lost stay true to its character. With only a short dreary lull between mid-season 2 to the penultimate episode of season 3, Lost has set a high bar for entertainment in its six seasons.

It’s scary to believe that the show that defined my return to cilivization after the Peace Corps is ending. I’m having my own personal “Lost” experience this weekend as I will be attending the wedding of one of my closest Peace Corps friends. Like the finale, it will be like a reunion of some of my favorite people from the most memorable years of my life prior to us moving on to the next step in our lives.

I spent this Memorial Day weekend relaxing after another long run. I also watched three seasons of a kid’s show called Avatar: The Last Airbender on netflix watch now. M. Night Shamalayan is turning it into a movie. The show will be a tough act to follow; I haven’t been this enthralled with anime since the classic “Spirited Away”.

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